The New Mexico Lions Eye Bank (NMLEB) is a pioneer and leader in providing eye and tissue banking services to patients, surgeons, and hospitals, throughout the state of New Mexico.
The NMLEB reaches out to the community with innovative programs designed to increase awareness about the importance and need for donated eye and cornea tissues for transplantation and research.
Education and training are provided for hospitals, hospice and home health care agencies, the NM Office of the Medical Investigator, and public or private organizations requesting more information.
Each year a NMLEB representative travels throughout the state to meet with partner agencies to help identify ways and means to improve the donation process.
NMLEB staff are available to participate in health fairs, civic events, and venues such as fairs and conferences to help promote donation.
A Donor/Recipient Memorial is held in coordination with NM Donor Services. The event is our way of honoring the donors, their families and friends, and recipients of life saving organs and tissues.
If you are interested in having a NMLEB representative speak to a group or meeting about the miracle of transplantation, please contact us.

New Mexico Lions Eye Bank, 2501 Yale Boulevard SE, Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Phone: 505-266-3937 Toll Free Phone: 888-616-3937
Copyright © 2011 New Mexico Lions Eye Bank. All Rights Reserved.